BOOKS for EFT beginners:
Emotional healing in minutes – simple acupressure
techniques for your emotions
Authors: Valerie and Paul Lynch.
A very clear, basic book introducing EFT and how to use it. Highly recommended
for newbies and for therapists with clients who like to know more.
EFT for dummies*
Helena Fone
Another excellent and comprehensive book for beginners and experienced EFTers
The healing power of EFT and energy psychology
David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Gary Craig.
An excellent introduction to energy therapy in general and EFT in particular.
Covers topics including fear, guilt, shame, habits, after-effects of trauma
and more. Co-author Gary Craig is the founder of EFT.
*You can buy from There is a comprehensive list
of reading suggestions about EFT and related ideas on
Our favourite related reading:
The Field – The quest for the secret force of the universe* by Lynn McTaggart published by Harper Collins. Readable and referenced account of some research that challenges the mainstream view of our physical world.
The Biology of Belief* by Bruce Lipton. Published by Mountain of Love/Elite Books. This will change forever how you look at biology in general and genetics in particular. A convincing, evidenced view of us as determining our own destiny.
The Genie in your Genes* by Dawson Church. Published by Energy Psychology Press. Another readable and researched challenge to the orthodoxy of how genes determine our destiny and much more.
Healing without Freud or Prozac – natural approaches to curing stress, anxiety and depression by Dr David Servan-Schreiber. Beautifully written with a depth of understanding.
The Heart Speaks* by Dr Mimi Gaurneri. The story of a mainstream cardiologist and how her patients converted her to understanding how emotions determine the health of bodies.